When someone gives you a piece of pie, say “thank you.”

2 min readNov 25, 2016

Yesterday began the holiday season. Thanksgiving.

The holiday season, Thanksgiving through New Years is a weird time. It’s like entering in a certain “season” of the year. Except the season is defined by our social activities instead of the weather. Holiday season vs. Non-Holiday season.

Presidential Election changed the holidays. But not in the way that I expected.

For the past week I’d seen Facebook Posts or stories on the morning news about how to avoid politics with the in-laws this Thanksgiving (or else Armageddon would ensue). It seemed the message was, “good luck this year, it’s going to get nasty,” as if it was an inevitability.

But it wasn’t an inevitability.

I went to two Thanksgiving events yesterday. I didn’t hear the names Hillary, or Trump mentioned once. In fact politics never came up. Not once in 9 hours of conversation.

Our friends and family (even the in-laws) are not the irrational “other side” that the media would have us believe.

In this world of deteriorating social skills, it turns out we are smart enough, and rational enough to sit down and enjoy each other without inciting someone into a fit of anger.

One day the people we spent time with yesterday will be gone. Some will pass-on, others will just grow up into only semi-recognizable people. These things are inevitable.

But if you think back to yesterday, think of the stories and the people. If you saw a smile on someone’s face, or you heard that deep, genuine belly laugh, think of that moment in detail and lock that into your memory.

These things are fleeting and you were lucky to be there for that smile.

I’m thankful to have had those moments yesterday.

